Sivuston toteutus: PM-Digital

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At present, we weld different aluminium alloys with a thickness of 2-20 mm by using FSW method. In the whole, we can weld up to 14 m long objects together, 2,6 m in width.

We also have experience in welding the 5000 series aluminium. In the picture the welded aluminium is 6000 series, which is fairly easy to friction stir weld.

FSW can be used on other materials as well. Some black iron, stainless steel and titanium have been welded in the laboratory but these are technically too demanding and cannot be taken into production yet. Most challenging at the moment is titanium.

Dissimilar welds have been done with copper and aluminium. Joining of steel and aluminium is also coming and we intend to try it too. This method can be used for example in shipbuilding.

Joining of aluminium and copper is mainly used in electrical technology nowadays. Other alternatives are explosion and electron beam in vacuum, these methods are far too expensive to take into production or into more general use.

               If you feel you are interested in our services and new applications,

               pleace do not hesitate to contact us for further details!